Friday, December 21, 2012

Configure Eclipse With JBoss Application Server

Hello There

Today we will look into configuring Eclipse to Work with JBoss Application Server


1) You need to have Eclipse (Java and J2EE compliant package) copied in your local.
2) Of course JBoss copied in your desired location of your local system.

Next Steps:

Step 1) Start Eclipse and Go to Tools - > Install New Software

Step 2) Click on Add after the Text Box for Work with

You will get a Pop-Up Window as below.


Add Name as : JBoss Tools  & Location as below

You will see window as ->

Step 3) Wait for Some time after that you will get a big list of JBoss Tools and Utilities which are supported in Eclipse.

From there you need to expand the first one : Abridged JBoss Tools 3.3 and Select the check box of JBossAS Tools 

And Say Next. 

Step 4) Eclipse will check for the Dependencies and report in case if the tools is conflicting with any of the existing modules. 

Step 5) In case if you find any conflicts, its your headache to resolve it :), you will not get any unless you have fresh Eclipse Installation.

Step 6) Proceed for the Installation - Say Next.

Step 7) Do not forget to accept the License Agreement from JBoss.. 

Step 8) Say Finish.!! - You will see the installation has started for Tools you have selected.


After Installing You may need restart Eclipse, so the below Pop-up.


Step 9) After this you will be able to see JBoss Application Server in the Server Run-time List for Eclipse - Go to Platform Runtime Window and click on new server wizard.

Step 10) To Configure the Server Successfully, Click Next on Above Window and Provide accurate details,  for where your server is installed and the JRE location you would like to use and say Finish.

Step 11) Right Click and Start the Server or You can click on Green Play Button for Starting the Server.

In Console you should notice : 

JBAS015875: JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final "Brontes" started (with errors) in 19726ms - Started 126 of 208 services (7 services failed or missing dependencies, 74 services are passive or on-demand)

Step 12) Time to celebrate now.. your server is started and you will see Fully Loaded Eclipse.. :)

Hope you have liked the Posting, Stay Tuned.!! Lot more to come.

Bye for now.!!

Shailesh Dyade

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